Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Look out! Work It Make More Vulnerable Got Breast Cancer

       Not easy for some people to be picky given the job competition is strictly temporary employment more narrow. Just to be considered, some types of work can make women more vulnerable to breast cancer.

This was revealed in a study published online in the current issue of the journal Environmental Health. Research conducted in Canada involves 1006 with breast cancer and 1147 healthy women who were randomly selected as controls for comparison.

James T Brophy, who led the research believes that exposure to chemicals called endocrine Disruter Chemical (EDC) can trigger hormonal changes in women. In addition to accelerating menopause, the change can also increase the risk of breast cancer.

Through interviews and surveys, the researchers collected data on occupational and reproductive history of participants. Participants were also given livelihood specific code based on the level of susceptibility to EDC exposure in the workplace.

The results showed that women who work in a field that has a high exposure to EDCs tend to have an increased risk of breast cancer. As diktutip Medindia on Tuesday (11/20/2012), the field work is as follows:

- Agriculture
- Bars and gambling
- Automotive
- The plastic factory
- Canning food
- Processing steel

It is important to note that breast cancer risk increases when entering menopause was highest in women who work in the automotive industry, plastics and canned food. It is believed it was associated with a higher exposure to EDCs.

Around the world, breast cancer is one type of cancer is most common in women. Industrialized countries and most countries in North America, including in the areas with the highest incidence of breast cancer in the world.

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